- Enhanced: Renamed "PodFans" to "TrueFans"
- Fixed: Resolved some more PHP warnings
- Enhanced: Cleaned up code and resolved some PHP warnings.
- Fixed: Corrected "PodFans" capitalization.
- Fixed: Resolved more PHP 8 issues.
- New: Added YouTube Music, Threads, PodFans, Podfriend, Fountain, and Rumble,
- Enhanced: Replaced Twitter and bird icon with X and new icon. Your existing links and shortcodes will update to use "x" instead of "twitter," but we suggest you double-check them anyway. Please use "x" in any shortcodes from now on.
- Fixed: Resolved warning messages on activation.
- Fixed: Improved compatibility with PHP 8.
- Removed: Removed Periscope and Stitcher.
- Crypto!
- New: Added popular cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Feel free to send me some!
- New: Added gaming platforms Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox.
- New: Added LovethePodcast.com to help My Podcast Reviews members get more reviews.
- New: Added a generic "appointment" icon for any kind of booking system.
- New: Also added Castro and Linux.
- Fixed: Updated color-picker to be more compatible with latest WordPress.
- Enhanced: Updated Apple App Store, Android, Etsy, Medium, Parler, Reddit, SlideShare, Twitch.
- WARNING: Periscope will be removed soon because Twitter is retiring it on March 31, 2021.
- Maybe we should call this the "Freedom of speech / freedom of privacy update."
- New: Added Apple Music, Clubhouse, Gab, Parler, Podcast Addict, Signal, and Telegram.
- Enhanced: Updated Anchor logo.
- Also tested on WordPress 5.7
- WARNING: Periscope will be removed soon because Twitter is retiring it on March 31, 2021.
- New: Added Alexa, Amazon (useful for store links or Amazon Music), Audible, Buy Me a Coffee, Discord, Gaana, and Podhero.
- WARNING: Google Play Music will be removed in the next update since Google Podcasts is taking over the podcasts and YouTube Music is taking over the music.
- Enhanced: Tested on WordPress 5.4 and everything seems to work properly.
- Fixed: 1.5.1 kept telling you to upgrade to 1.5.1. Oh yeah? Well take 1.5.2!
- Fixed: Color pickers weren't displaying correctly on WordPress 5.3.
- New: Added "Advanced" settings tab for future features and new Google Analytics event-tracking option.
- New: Added support for Google Analytics event-tracking, turned on by default. This has been tested with GA Google Analytics, Google Analyticator, and Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP), and Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights, and it should work with any other standard method of adding the Universal analytics.js tracking code.
- New: Added Skype, Mixer, Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal.
- Fixed: Icons were looking blurry in some browsers.
- Small color tweaks to improve compatibility with more WordPress themes.
- New: Added Deezer, Mastodon, TikTok, and WhatsApp
- Enhanced: Updated icons for (deep breath!) Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, Pocket Casts, Anchor, GoodReads, CastBox, and TuneIn—making these follow brand consistency and guidelines
- NOTICE: Removed PodCoin and Google+
- Fixed: WordPress debug errors from a simple little problem
- New: Added Podknife, Player FM, Breaker, Bullhorn, and Listen Notes.
- Fixed: Network URLs and License pages would cause errors on servers running PHP 7.3.
- IMPORTANT: Google+ will be removed soon as they have already shut down their consumer product.
- New: Added Podchaser, Podcoin, Radio.com, Luminary, Medium, and Quora
- New: Added color guide images in Display Settings tab so it's easier to know which color to change.
- Enhanced: Replaced color inputs with something more modern and standard to WordPress.
- Fixed: Settings page was throwing a PHP deprecation warning.
- Fixed: Update would reset your custom resorted order of icons.
- Fixed: Updating from pre-1.4 would not migrate license key.
- New: Added Pandora, Stack Overflow (
), diaspora*, and GNU Social (gnusocial
- Enhanced: Updated Slack and Overcast icons.
- Fixed: Properly linked account page from license tab.
- Enhanced: Moved database upgrade to background operation.
- Enhanced: Migrated to better license and update system. You must update to 1.4.0 (or later) by May 31 and then re-activate your license in the Subscribe & Follow settings. After May 31, you'll need to manually update.
- New: Added Plex and Subscribe by Email (
) icons.
- Enhanced: Updated Stitcher icon.
- Enhanced: Refined RadioPublic and Blubrry icons.
- IMPORTANT: Ensure you click the notice in your dashboard to complete the upgrade, and then flush any internal and external caches or CDNs.
- Fixed: Alignment wasn't loading from saved setting.
- Fixed: Capitalizing a network in
or include
would break stuff.
- Fixed: Google Play Music (as if it's important anymore) icon was getting chopped off. Poetic justice, maybe?
- Fixed: Some uses would result in a "double upgrade." Let's just roll with that term.
- Fixed: Upgrading from below 1.3.0 would sometimes result in two Apple Podcasts icons.
- Fixed: Upgrading from below 1.3.0 would result in weird colors if display options had never been customized.
- Fixed: An accidental "double upgrade" (it's like our secret handshake now!) would reset network order.
- IMPORTANT: This update does some database clean-up. I suggest backing up your database before upgrading.
- Also important: PHP 5.6 or newer is now required. So talk to your web host about upgrading if necessary (I recommend PHP 7.0 or newer).
- New: Added option to hide icon labels. Choose the default in the settings, change it in widgets, or include
in the shortcode.
- New: Added icons for Google Podcasts, Spoke (by SiriusXM), Castbox, RadioPublic, Podbean, Patreon, Google Play Store, and Twitch.
- Enhanced: Updated Apple Podcasts and YouTube icons.
- Enhanced: Expanded icon labels to two lines to support long network names, such as "Apple Podcasts" or "Google Play Music."
- Enhanced: Changed "iTunes" to "Apple Podcasts" unless you've written your own call-to-action text for featured buttons. In shortcodes, you may continue to use either "itunes" or "applepodcasts" to use the same icon.
- Enhanced: Changed "Google Play" to "Google Play Music" because labels can now be two lines (but Google Podcasts or Subscribe on Android would be better options).
- Enhanced: Changed the "Podcast RSS" label from simply "RSS" to "Podcast RSS" because labels can now be two lines.
- Enhanced: Changed "StumbleUpon" to "Mix" (the new brand) and switched icon to match. In shortcodes, you may continue to use either "stumbleupon" or "mix" to use the new icon.
- Enhanced: Tweaked size and alignment on multiple icons.
- Enhanced: Cleaned up code, PHP errors, and added some legal performance enhancements.
- Enhanced: Simplified featured button appearance by removing the gradients and box shadow.
- Fixed: Spacing and alignment could get weird. Choosing "center" now center-aligns all icons, even if they're on multiple lines!
- Fixed: Color transparency wouldn't save. The buttons can now see into your soul!
- Fixed: Conflict with Thrive Architect and probably several other plugins.
- Fixed: Placing
in the shortcode before includes
would hide the included networks.
- NOTICE: Removed Blip, Blab, Clammr, and Vine. Doesn't that sound like a Dr. Seuss rhyme? (So make sure you remove these icons from your site, because this would behoove you to have all your icons right.)
Please clear your website's cache (and possible offsite cache, such as CloudFlare) for new icons to display properly after updating.
- NOTICE: Blab will be removed in the next update
- Fix: iTunes icon glitch that looked like it was split down the middle
- Update: my wife isn't in labor, yet.
- Fix: Missing new network icons on update
- NOTICE: Blip will be removed in the next update
- New: Icons for Google Play Music, Pocket Casts, Spotify, Overcast, Snapchat, SlideShare, Blab, Periscope, Anchor, Apple App Store, Feedly, reddit, and Slack* (thanks to all the suggestions!)
- Enhancement: Updated Apple Podcasts / iTunes icon
- Enhancement: Updated Google+ icon
- Fix: Error "Cannot redeclare plugin_add_settings_link()" that was a conflict with some other plugins
- Fix: Annoying "undefined index" PHP notices
- Fix: Improper caching invalidation on updates
- Fix: Some assets not loading properly
- Fix: Accidental debug code outputting in widgets.
*Please clear your website's cache (and possible offsite cache, such as CloudFlare) for new icons to display properly.
- Fix: Plugin update causing license deactivation
- Enhancement: Added plugin "Settings" link on WordPress Plugins page for single sites or single-site activations on Multisite
- Enhancement: Updated icons for Flickr, Pinterest, Google+, and email
- Enhancement: Added new podcast app icons: Spreaker and Blubrry
- Enhancement: Added new video site icons: Vine and Vimeo
- Enhancement: Added new app platform icons: Apple, Android, and Windows. Learn more about Subscribe on Android
- Enhancement: Cleaned up some PHP
- Fix: Typo in settings
- Enhancement: Cleaned up extraneous options for public launch
- Enhancement: Changed default feature foreground color to white
- Fix: Icons not displaying when URLs were overridden
- Fix: Using shortcode for only features displays more icons (thanks for the help, Jim Collison!)
- IMPORTANT: Subscribe & Follow now requires an active subscription for further updates.
- Click here to get or renew your API key (any key from before July 10 won't work).
- Go to Settings > Subscribe & Follow > Activation.
- Enter your API key and email address.
- Click Save Changes.
- Please email help@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com if you need help.
- Feature: Customize the network order! (Thanks for the help, Stephen Gulick!)
- Feature: Network URLs can now use short URLs (e.g., "/itunes") or other URL forms (e.g., "itpc://" but we don't recommend that one), but must start with either "/" or "[protocol]://"—entering "theaudacitytopodcast.com/itunes" won't work, but "https://theaudacitytopodcast.com/itunes" will.
- Enhancement: Moved documentation to this page on the website.
- Enhancement: Updated Spectrum color-picker to version 1.7.0
- Fix: Fixed some PHP warnings
- Upcoming: more networks and some updated icons
- Upcoming: more frequent updates! (I'm sorry it took this long!)
- Switched to standards-friendly display system, which fixes double characters in RSS readers (like "!iTunes" and "FFacebook").
- Dropped support for Internet Explorer 8.
- Improved backend accessibility.
- Added new networks: TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Blip, StumbleUpon, Instagram, Dribbble, GoodReads, Etsy, and GitHub.
- Reordered icons into podcast, video, social network, photo, specialty.
- Changed LinkedIn icon to match the other icons better.
- Sortable icons are coming soon! You may notice that you can drag and drop networks, but this doesn't save yet.
- Considered putting something witty in the changelog, but this was all I had at the moment.
- Fixed text-entry bug in Firefox
- Force cache refresh on update
- Fixed PHP error causing missing information in shortcode documentation.
- Added new algorithm for dynamically adjusting button and icon padding relative to your base size. In English, this means icons aren't misaligned on small featured buttons. (Thanks, Jim Collison!)
- Removed unnecessary margin below icons when a feature is used.
- Fixed Javascript error on Display Options page that would slow down or even crash browsers. (Thanks, Ryan Parker!)
- **Sortable icons are coming soon! =
- Another minor CSS update to fix conflicts with some themes.
- PHP clarifications for more of my sanity, and also allowing easier fixes.
- Added preview to General Settings tab.
- Temporarily removed activation key.
- Minor CSS updates to override some themes breaking stuff in unkind ways.
- Truly fixed icon and text color for visited links.
- Renamed icon font to avoid potential conflicts.
- Updated style linking code to refresh cache of older versions.
- Added Pinterest (thanks, Jonathan J. Reinhart), Flickr, and SoundCloud.
- Added network icons in settings screen.
- Enhanced Stitcher icon for clarity.
- Optimized some PHP (thanks, Dustin Hartzler).
- Changed some podcast-focused language (because S&F isn't just for podcasters).
- Fixed unnecessary underlines on text and icons from some themes (thanks, Mike Russell).
- Fixed icon and text color for visited links (indirect thanks, Mike Russell, because your site revealed this).
- Removed PHP cleanup code for beta versions
- Removed excessive "URL" in settings labels.
- Fixed minor update that may have caused the color pickers to not work.
- Official launch!
- Implemented activation key to ensure continuing updates.
- Split settings into separate tabs.
- Added shortcode documentation and examples under settings.
- Added alignment preview in settings.
- Fixed box-sizing glitch (visible in WordPress 3.6 and themes that use border-box).
- Fixed miscellaneous PHP errors
- Segmented PHP files for my sanity.
- Added transition code to pull nonprefixed data into prefixed data and clean-up old code
- Switched auto-update system to fix bugs.
- Prefixed all saveable options with "saf_" to ensure no conflicts
- Switched default colors to hex values (fixes RGBa problem with IE8)
- Color fields still accept hex, RGB, RGBa, and CSS color values
- Optimized CSS and JS files
- Added email icon
- Cleaned out extra files
- Officially changed name to Social Subscribe & Follow Icons
- Changed auto-update and placed in hyper mode until release