How to Use Podcast Transcripts
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
Whether you’re just starting your podcast or you’ve been podcasting for a while, you might find some things easier by using better tools. Here are the audio-editing apps I recommend most for podcasting in 2023.
The Audacity software is popular among countless podcasters at all levels of production! at some point! It’s a free, cross-platform audio-editing app, so almost anyone can use it. But Audacity has historically lagged behind other audio-editing apps until now! So here are some of my favorite new features that I think warrant giving Audacity another try.
Geek out over the list of hardware and software I used to record and produce my video interviews from Podcast Movement and other events.
Publishing your podcast is quick and easy with Alitu! Now, you can also add an introductory teaser to your episodes. Plus, Alitu will automatically enhance
Loudness normalization conforms audio to a perceived loudness level. Learn why that’s important in podcasting and how to make your podcast meet the standard.
Adobe Audition is my choice for editing podcasts and other audio. At NAB Show 2016, Adobe demonstrated the new “Essential Sound” panel.
You’ll get the highest audio quality in your videos if you use a dedicated microphone instead of the camera’s built-in mic. This video shows you how to use Adobe Audition to edit your audio to perfectly align with your video in Premiere Pro or any other video application.
Should you edit your podcast after you’ve recorded it, or mix everything together while you record? I’ll give you some pros and cons to consider.
I don’t regret moving from Audacity to Adobe Audition for podcast editing. But there are several Audacity tools I wish expensive Audition had or worked as well as Audacity’s.
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