How to make your podcast mobile-friendly
People are listening to, watching, and subscribing to podcasts more on mobile devices than anything else. Here are nine things to make your podcast mobile-friendly.
People are listening to, watching, and subscribing to podcasts more on mobile devices than anything else. Here are nine things to make your podcast mobile-friendly.
Podcast hosting can be a valuable asset, especially when you have a limited upload plan (as with most media hosts). When you fill up your monthly media upload limit, you still have a few options.
Get podcasting answers on how to turn off selection snapping in Audacity, whether podcasting less than weekly hurts, how to end a limited-episode podcast and not be removed from iTunes, and how to reduce MP3 file sizes.
Podcasters don’t have to be perfect, and it’s easy to fix most of our mistakes. But here are thirteen things that you can’t fix later if you don’t get it right when you start podcasting. Most of these apply to blogs, too.
LAME is still the best MP3 encoder, but further tests and conversations reveal that it just may not be the best for podcasting.
I address four of someone else’s reasons why you shouldn’t use Audacity. also share news about the BlackBerry Podcasts app for BlackBerry Smartphones.
Stop making crappy MP3s with Audacity and LAME! I tell you how to encode MP3s the way LAME was designed to, so you get a great audio quality and small file size.
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