8 Things You Should Check in Apple Podcasts Connect
Apple provides a portal for you to submit and manage your own podcast called Podcasts Connect. I suggest you check these 8 things right away!
Apple provides a portal for you to submit and manage your own podcast called Podcasts Connect. I suggest you check these 8 things right away!
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
Get the latest top recommendations for the best podcast-hosting providers, whether you’re just starting or you’re wanting to upgrade your podcasting tools!
If your podcast is listed twice in Apple Podcasts or another podcast directory, STOP! Don’t do anything about it until you read or listen to this!
The right category can help your podcast get discovered and featured. But which categories are best for your podcast when there are so many?
As you podcast consistently, you’ll build up a back catalog of episodes. But should you keep all of those episodes available?
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