How to Use Podcast Transcripts
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
Internet marketers have a new crush on video and many podcasters are starting to feel pressured to create video content. But do you need to add video?
Descript made editing podcast audio as easy as editing a document. Now, they’ve made editing video just as easy! The feature is called “Storyboard.” It
Geek out over the list of hardware and software I used to record and produce my video interviews from Podcast Movement and other events.
You’ll get the highest audio quality in your videos if you use a dedicated microphone instead of the camera’s built-in mic. This video shows you how to use Adobe Audition to edit your audio to perfectly align with your video in Premiere Pro or any other video application.
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