5 podcasting tool updates you should know about
Five updates to podcasting tools that you should know about, and how to take advantage of them.
Five updates to podcasting tools that you should know about, and how to take advantage of them.
I don’t regret moving from Audacity to Adobe Audition for podcast editing. But there are several Audacity tools I wish expensive Audition had or worked as well as Audacity’s.
I’m retiring my 5-episode pattern for Audacity focus, but I’ll give you several tips to help when you decide to make big changes to your podcast.
Audacity can’t edit videos, but it can edit the audio from videos. It’s easy to import audio into an audio-editor for grabbing sound clips. I found this to be better than my previous analog recording workflow.
Podcasters like to hang out with other podcasters and get help, learn about the tools, and share their experience. I think these are the best forums for talking about podcasting.
There are plenty of audio-editing software choices. So why go with a free, open-source app for professional productions?
Hear the latest about Audacity’s update, an important security update for PowerPress, the “podcasting patent” from Personal Audio, SpeakPipe’s new paid plans, New Media Expo, and more in this “eleventy-first” podcast episode.
Learn how to edit audio projects much faster with simple tricks in Audacity.
Audacity is free and Adobe Audition is $349. Are there really benefits to Audition that are worth the big price tag? I share why Audition may be best for my podcasting workflow, but why you probably shouldn’t switch.
Software, equipment, people, and accomplishments that we couldn’t podcast without, or that podcasting helped us accomplish.
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