Photo credit: Liv Niland
Software, equipment, people, and accomplishments that we couldn't podcast without, or that podcasting helped us accomplish.
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Erik Fisher from Beyond the To Do List:
@theRamenNoodle I’m thankful for all the people who are learning in the journey of productivity and creativity with my show.
— Erik Fisher (@ErikJFisher) November 19, 2012
@theRamenNoodle I'm thankful for the podcasting community that is coaching me in getting into it as a hobby.
— Hero for Hire 🌠 (@GoldenSaucerGuy) November 19, 2012
Professor Alan from Book Guys Show:
@theRamenNoodle I'm thankful for being able to talk regularly with fellow book lovers and authors.
— Alan Middleton (@ProfessorAlan) November 19, 2012
Mike Dell from Geek of the North:
@theRamenNoodle I'm thankful I get to work with such a great company in Podcasting (@blubrry) and all the friends I've made #podcasting
— Mike Dell, K8LMJ 🇺🇸 (@mgdell) November 19, 2012
Jeremiah Miller from Chunks o' Wisdom: I'm thankful for the Audacity to Podcast, and all of your help!
Anne-Sophie from Your Life Your Success:
@theRamenNoodle community
— Anne-Sophie (@theannesophie) November 26, 2012
Angela from Podcast Goddess:
- Internet in general and what it has enabled
- Podcasters who share their passions to change the world
- Audible for supporting podcasters
- People who believe podcasting is its own medium
- Listeners
Matthew Lowell from The Awaken Revolution:
- Akismet WordPress plugin for blocking spam
- Disqus commenting system plugin (plus Akismet) for moderating website comments
SgtFred: Sorry, I meant to say: “I am THANKFUL for Lon Naylor (i.e., “Mr. Camtasia”) and his giving to the video, elearning and tutorial community.
Richard from Naked Ape Productions: Wirecast for professional live-streaming video.
Bill Hutchison from YWAM Podcast:
I'm thankful for the global reach that podcasting has and that with it there are no geographical boundaries. My personal podcast where I share my testimony has been downloaded in over 40 different countries, including many in the middle east, which would not be possible without the global reach of podcasting.
DJ City from The Japan Experience Podcast: we can broadcast our voices across the Internet and reach others with our interests.
As a listener, the thing I am most thankful for in podcasting is the vast diversity of podcasts to fill my day with. I can, pretty much, find a podcast (or two) covering any given topic I may want to learn more about and it's awesome to have that kind of instant gratification when I used to have to wait for my favorite radio shows to come on the airwaves at their scheduled times.
As a podcaster, I am most thankful for the community of podcast producers. I would never have thought to even try and produce my own podcasts but shows like TAP and Cliff Ravenscraft's Podcast Answer Man, have taught me so much and equipped me to be confident that I can be a successful podcast producer as well. In fact, I am launching my own podcast network in January with 4 unique shows initially that already have 3-4 shows recorded each!
Thanks for all you do and, specifically, for the great work with TAP!
What I'm thankful for
- Podcast listeners who have supported my business by hiring me or referring others to me
- Canon T4i digital SLR camera for still photos and HD video
- My new iPhone 5, which doubles as my new iPod
- The camaraderie among other podcasters instead of competition
Big announcement
I will try switching from Audacity to Audition for a couple weeks. This won't be a permanent switch, but it will be a test.
Unfortunately, this is already proving very difficult.
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I no longer offer one-on-one consulting outside of Podcasters' Society, but request a consultant here and I'll connect you with someone I trust to help you launch or improve your podcast.
Ask your questions or share your feedback
- Comment on the shownotes
- Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
- Email (audio files welcome)
Connect with me
- Subscribe to The Audacity to Podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Android.
- Join the Facebook Page and watch live podcasting Q&A on Mondays at 2pm (ET)
- Subscribe on YouTube for video reviews, Q&A, and more
- Follow @theDanielJLewis
This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.
I’m excited to hear what you think about Audition after using it for a while 🙂
It’s a rough start so far. It took me hours just to work around a glitch to make an MP3.
Nooo! Does it have id3 tagging templates? I’d love to cut down to doing everything in one program!
The only person I know with Audition doesn’t know what I’m talking about when I mention id3 lol
I saw some metadata, but I haven’t test that part yet. Yes, it would certainly be handy to encode and tag my MP3s at the same time.
[…] I also want to say a big “THANK YOU” to Daniel J Lewis (The Audacity To Podcast). He recently asked his listeners to submit feedback for what we are thankful for in podcasting. I obliged and he, very generously, read my submission on air and gave me a very nice shout out. Daniel’s podcast network,, is FANTASTIC and I can’t say enough how much The Audacity to Podcast has helped me!!! You can listen to the episode HERE. […]
I’m thankful for listeners. I thought I didn’t have any – but it turns out I do. One even commented to ask when the next December Daily series is coming out 🙂
Daniel David Dell here in Perth Hope your well 🙂 Thanks for a great episode as is usual for you. I was in the outback with no phone reception other than satellite phone so could not send my Thankful for info. will do so here at the end of this post.
But for now a comment or two for you…This latest episode using audition in the post processing is markedly different. I like it. Audio is a very personal thing as you know but in this episode your post production has created a much smooooother sound, lot more creamy. The compression and or other processes have come out richer with less artifacts and not so much of that ‘crunchiness’ and ‘hard edge’ in the mids esp than compared to previous episodes with Audacity. I like this latest sound quality and color much more for sure. Well done. (I think you may well end up using it 100% after a few weeks 😉
My BIG Thankful for right now I have far too many to mention…is Yourself, Cliff, Ray and Dave Jackson Dave being the only person I have not directly contacted and spoken with yet. Over the past few years all the above have provided me so much great content, inspiration and friendship at all kinds of level, re energizing my love of audio and recording from many years before. This was so heightened it took me towards my own podcasting efforts.
Just to let you know…Now after massive amounts of time and experience all aided and abetted by yourself, Ray and Cliff esp I am about to add my Australian Hat into the Podcast world of podcasting with a new podcasting focused show going into in itunes next week. Please wish me well and I hope you will be an evan bigger part of my future as I move along in this new journey.
Thank You for your input and inspirational thoughts and kindness.
PS Forgot to ask…What headphones did you end up with???
Thank you, David! I want to subscribe to that podcast as soon as it’s available. Please let me know!
After spending too much time with Audacity multiple compressors, trying to match the sound of Chris’s Dynamic Compressor from Audacity, I ended up adding just a hard limit to my vocal track. The other compressors were either too complicated/confusing, or amplified stuff I didn’t want them to (like breaths).
Perhaps I should never have run two compressors over each other: the Behringer MDX4600 while recording and then Chris’s Dynamic Compressor after.
I haven’t upgraded my headphones yet. But I’m considering trying my new Apple EarPods, which will look better on video and not give me headaches like my noise-isolating earbuds do when I’m talking.
Interesting you should say that because I am finding the compressor on my Behringer xeneyx x1222 does a nice job also. I have almost always not had it on but just of late have tweaked it on a little to around 2-3 and its nice. I am also going to be experimenting with removing my multicom pro from the chain and just using the sonic exciter to shape the sound and run the gate via a quick post process. Yes will let you know as soon as the sites up and the first few episodes are loaded. I am very excited about this coming up, though nervous also! 🙂
What I’m so thankful for is the privilege of free speech to be able to podcast.
p.s. Daniel I couldn’t live without audition – Good luck.
It is awesome that we can say whatever we want in our podcasts!
I’m starting to warm up to Audition, but annoyed by how buried some things are.
Daniel, I recall you mentioned a site or service where we can find sponsors for our shows, but I don’t see a link in the notes. Am I just imagining that? It was a really long day.
Check out Get your podcast listed with them and using their stats and you’ll eventually have some advertising opportunities.