Why I recommend BlueHost for hosting your blog or podcast
There are many companies that can work as a web host for your blog or podcast. I’ve chosen to primarily recommend BlueHost to starting podcasters for 7 reasons.
There are many companies that can work as a web host for your blog or podcast. I’ve chosen to primarily recommend BlueHost to starting podcasters for 7 reasons.
Back to basics! This isn’t a detailed process for how to edit episodes, setup your website, or get into iTunes. These are the core 10 principles for starting a podcast, even if it’s not your first time!
Learn all of the popular podcast media hosting models and how LibSyn and Blubrry have changed for their current and new customers.
Learn timeless ideas to help you launch your podcast today, with some bonus tips on why you should launch before the year is over.
7 reasons you should use WordPress on your own web hosting instead of choosing another platform.
No matter how you podcast, it needs to be hosted somewhere. You should have web hosting and media hosting that will grow with your podcast. I’ll suggest your best options to consider.
Learn recommendations for audio equipment, software, plugins, and other podcasting gear that are worth spending money to get. These will improve your podcast!
If you have your own domain and website, have WordPress with PowerPress, and you don’t care about unreliable RSS stats, what benefits does FeedBurner even provide?
Follow these 7 steps to fix your podcast when you make big or little mistakes—even if you already published the episode!
Podcasters don’t have to be perfect, and it’s easy to fix most of our mistakes. But here are thirteen things that you can’t fix later if you don’t get it right when you start podcasting. Most of these apply to blogs, too.
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