How to Start Using the New iTunes Podcast Tags for iOS 11
With the release of iOS 11, Apple supports new podcasting tags for your podcast RSS feed. Here’s how you can start using them today.
With the release of iOS 11, Apple supports new podcasting tags for your podcast RSS feed. Here’s how you can start using them today.
Moving podcast hosting companies and keeping your subscribers doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what you need to know, especially to avoid losing your entire audience.
Where you host your podcast RSS feed is crucial for ownership and control. Here are some things to consider for whether you should host your feed yourself.
I’m relatively new to podcasting and submitted my rss feed to iTunes prior to knowing about FeedBurner. My podcast is currently hosted on SoundCloud and there seems to be no easy way to redirect iTunes to FeedBurner on SoundCloud’s end. Would you have any advice?
Here’s how to automatically publish your podcast episodes from your podcast RSS feed to your SoundCloud account, using Yahoo! Pipes and If This Then That (IFTTT).
I’m going to cut through all the hype and reveal some of the truths in my Audello review for podcasting.
RSS makes podcasting possible. I’ll explain what RSS is and why not owning your RSS feed could mean losing all of your subscribers.
Learn all of the popular podcast media hosting models and how LibSyn and Blubrry have changed for their current and new customers.
Learn more about what podcasters should and shouldn’t be doing based on the review and grading process for the Podcast Awards.
Podcast hosting can be a valuable asset, especially when you have a limited upload plan (as with most media hosts). When you fill up your monthly media upload limit, you still have a few options.
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