How do I redirect my SoundCloud RSS feed?

I'm relatively new to podcasting and submitted my rss feed to iTunes prior to knowing about FeedBurner. My podcast is currently hosted on SoundCloud and there seems to be no easy way to redirect iTunes to FeedBurner on SoundCloud's end. Would you have any advice?

—A. Speaks

To redirect your SoundCloud RSS feed to FeedBurner or any other feed URL:

  1. Login to your SoundCloud account.
  2. Visit your content settings.
  3. Paste your destination URL into the “Subscriber redirect” field.
  4. Click “Save Changes.”

Now, you have a “301 permanent redirection” placed on your SoundCloud RSS feed. Anytime a podcast app, including the iTunes directory, requests the SoundCloud RSS URL, it will be redirected to the RSS URL you set. This redirects all your existing subscribers.

This will work for all podcast apps. iTunes and other directories may take a few days to stop sending requests to the old URL and change the address to your new one.

Note that visiting the SoundCloud feed URL in a browser will return a message:

This RSS feed has been redirected, and SoundCloud cannot guarantee the safety of external links. If you would like to continue, you can navigate to ‘[YOUR NEW FEED HERE]'. RSS Readers and Podcasting apps will be redirected automatically.

As it says, this will not affect apps that are subscribed to the RSS feed.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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8 years ago

I’m looking to do a similar thing as A but have two additional questions…
1) When I switch over to my feedburner RSS feed, will all of my past episodes appear on users’ apps as new episodes? If so, is there any workaround for that?
2) Do I have to do anything besides updating the subscriber redirect? I’ve read other things that indicate you need to change some of the tags in the RSS feed itself….

5 years ago

Hello Dan I found you on Google by searching to update my rss Feed and your link pop up….Here’s my issue I’m currently hosting my podcast on Soundcloud and I’m very happy with it and would like to keep all my episodes there because I have my rss Feed everywhere. Now I would like to take advantage of Spreak platform I already have my soundcloud rss feed imported there and they are grabbing my content I would like to monetize my content as well use there app which they offer but I don’t want to move my content as express above. Can you please advise me how to accomplish this? Can I just add the Spreaker rss feed in the soundcloud content area? since Spreak is already pulling the content or no? I will await your answer.

8 years ago

Wanting to redirect my SoundCloud RSS through Feedburner due to minimal category options in SC. Will iTunes then read category info from Feedburner if I follow the process you described above?

8 years ago

I too was misled about the “new-feed” tag, which came from a SC forum. This redirect is simple, and I assume is much safer than trying to mess with the RSS. What we don’t want is to lose our current subscribers. That’d be a disaster. Thanks for the help.

8 years ago

*Update* I added the feedburner url to SoundCloud in the redirect field 5 days ago. My last episode was posted 2 days ago in SC and still does not show up in ITunes. I am hoping it will catch the redirect in the next couple days?

8 years ago

Realized there is an issue when “redirecting” through Soundcloud. The rss feed becomes invalid with multiple links –>

Feedburner is not reading update in Soundcloud. Have you come across this?

8 years ago

Yeah, I gave up on the SC –> Feedburner system, which wasn’t working. Moved over to Libsyn yesterday, very easy. So far looks much more solid than SC, has plenty of category options. And Libsyn actually has customer service. SC somehow gets away with zero customer support.

8 years ago

Hi Guys. I did the redirect but Feedburner is not updating so my latest episode does not get to iTunes. Does anyone has tips how to fix this?
Getting desperate here 🙁
SoundCloud support is horrible and I wonder what do I pay $$$ for. I wonder why nobody write about this!

Taimoor Khalid
Taimoor Khalid
4 years ago

Hi Daniel!! Plese let me know and provide some information about the redirection that how does it works. If i use the redirection feature in any podcast hosting service will that be able to allow me to import the stats of my episodes and channels as well on the new podcast hosting service??

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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