Honest Audello review and the trends of podcasting tools
I’m going to cut through all the hype and reveal some of the truths in my Audello review for podcasting.
I’m going to cut through all the hype and reveal some of the truths in my Audello review for podcasting.
Successful podcasting isn’t just about what you share in your episodes, but also what makes the entire experience easy, professional, and effective. Check out my ten suggestions for the email addresses and webpages your podcast needs.
Hear the latest about Audacity’s update, an important security update for PowerPress, the “podcasting patent” from Personal Audio, SpeakPipe’s new paid plans, New Media Expo, and more in this “eleventy-first” podcast episode.
Podcasters and bloggers love feedback from their audience, but are you providing enough or the right ways for your listeners/readers to share their opinions?
Learn eight options you can add for your community to share their perspective with you.
Podcasters know how exciting it is to receive a voicemail! With some basic editing, these voicemail messages can also be enjoyable for the rest of your listeners.
All of these ideas and tips will apply in any audio-editing software, but I focus on Audacity’s specifics in the audio podcast, so make sure you listen to hear all the details!
Receiving audio feedback is either hard or low-quality. But SpeakPipe is a service to change that.
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