7 Audacity features you’ll miss in Adobe Audition
I don’t regret moving from Audacity to Adobe Audition for podcast editing. But there are several Audacity tools I wish expensive Audition had or worked as well as Audacity’s.
I don’t regret moving from Audacity to Adobe Audition for podcast editing. But there are several Audacity tools I wish expensive Audition had or worked as well as Audacity’s.
My favorite WordPress plugins that enable me to effectively podcast. This is not just another list of plugins that all do the same thing, but each plugin has a special purpose and all work together.
I’m rethinking the “podcaster’s theme” for WordPress, the podcast megasite, and weekly podcast schedule. I also share more podcasts about podcasting.
UPDATE: I now recommend these three WordPress theme-makers for podcasting: StudioPress (my first choice), Appendipity, Elegant Themes, and Thesis. If you’ve listened to The Audacity to
If you’ve been on the Noodle.mx Network website much, you’re probably familiar with my Subscribe & Follow widget in the right-hand side. I’m a professional
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