Why We Retired Our Podcast Network
Did you know I once directed a podcast network? I retired it in spring 2019, and here are some lesson I hope can help you.
Did you know I once directed a podcast network? I retired it in spring 2019, and here are some lesson I hope can help you.
There comes a time in every podcaster’s life when he or she wants to start another podcast. These questions and tips will help you determine whether it’s right for you, and how to start well.
I’m rethinking the “podcaster’s theme” for WordPress, the podcast megasite, and weekly podcast schedule. I also share more podcasts about podcasting.
When I began planning for Noodle.mx Network in early 2010, I wrestled with a decision that I’m still questioning today: should a podcast network have
While I’m on my honeymoon, I have a two-part conversation with Fred Casteneda, a podcasting machine! We talk about his passion, organization, and dialog in his podcasting empire. This is part 2 of our previous conversation.
While I’m on my honeymoon, I have a two-part conversation with Fred Casteneda, a podcasting machine! We talk about his passion, organization, and dialog in his podcasting empire.
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