11 Warnings about Using AI in Content-Creation (including podcasting)
AI has rapidly advanced for content creation. But should you actually trust it? With this potential comes some crucial warnings for using AI in podcasting.
AI has rapidly advanced for content creation. But should you actually trust it? With this potential comes some crucial warnings for using AI in podcasting.
Transcripts have long been promoted as ways to make your podcast more findable and accessible. But it’s only recently that podcast transcripts have become actually useful!
After considering the benefits of refreshing your podcast branding, you need to decide when it’s the right time to do so. Here are some suggestions!
Thinking about refreshing your podcast branding? Before I discuss the “when,” let’s consider how your podcast might benefit from a branding refresh.
Bonus content can be a fun way to engage and reward your loyal podcast audience, either publicly, through an opt-in, or in a premium subscription.
The right category can help your podcast get discovered and featured. But which categories are best for your podcast when there are so many?
Internet marketers have a new crush on video and many podcasters are starting to feel pressured to create video content. But do you need to add video?
Some podcasters think everything a successful podcaster does directly contributes to their success and not holding them back. But that’s false!
As you podcast consistently, you’ll build up a back catalog of episodes. But should you keep all of those episodes available?
While there can be many great podcast microphones, depending on your needs, here are what I think are the BEST podcasting microphones.
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