10 Tips for Streaming Live Shows (Periscope, Blab, YouTube Live, etc.)
Periscope and Blab have brought fresh attention to live-streaming. These tips will help you host a better live show regardless of what technology you use.
Periscope and Blab have brought fresh attention to live-streaming. These tips will help you host a better live show regardless of what technology you use.
Hear from the inside and hindsight of how Daniel planned and organized the massive 100th episode, and hear tips for working with any other complicated podcast with lots of feedback, notes, and ideas.
Your podcast’s live page shouldn’t be merely another page on your site. This page needs special content and optimization to be effective. Learn nine things you should include on this page.
Encourage viewer-participation with a chat room during your live-streaming, podcast-recording sessions.
Learn how to setup your basic to advanced equipment for live-streaming your podcasting sessions with cohosts.
This is the launch of a miniseries about live-podcasting. Before we get into the “how to podcast live” specifics, it’s best to answer why you should podcast live.
Review of Ambrosia Software’s Soundboard 2.0, Podcaster’s Theme for WordPress, compressor/limiter/gate on a small mixer, and pasting in Audacity.
After several live podcasts at PodCamp Ohio, I hosted a panel with most of the podcast hosts as we discuss our equipment and workflow for live-podcasting.
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