How to Live-Stream and Record a Podcast with Others

On air light

You've added a cohost to your podcast, and you want to record in front of a live Internet audience. We've previously talked about recording multiple onsite cohosts. But if your cohost is offsite, there are ways you can record and live-stream with just a few extra cables, or do it easiest with a mixer and two computers.

Before continue, make sure you've heard the previous episodes in our live-streaming series.

  1. 5 Reasons, 4 Cautions
  2. How to Live-Stream Yourself While Podcasting

As I write and speak, I'll use the term “PC” in reference to both of the major personal computers (PCs): OS X and Windows. These same principles will also apply to Linux PCs. As you'll notice, we cover many of the same things as when you're podcasting alone, but adding cohosts, especially through Skype, can complicate your setup.

Thanks to Dr. Vibe from The Vibe in Vegas Show for his voicemail asking how to do this same thing!

Record and live-streaming from the same PC

If you're already recording into your computer, then it's no extra step to broadcast that to the Internet through live-streaming.

One PC

Live-streaming with one PC

  1. Connect your mic to a splitter.
    1. First line goes to your PC's first input for Skype.
    2. Second line heads toward PC.
  2. Split that second line.
    1. First line accepts the Skype output.
    2. Second line continues toward PC.
  3. Split the line again.
    1. First line connects headphones.
    2. Second line continues to the PC.
  4. Connect the final output connects to PC's second input (or USB) for recording/streaming.

Sounds and one PC

Live-streaming with sounds and one PC

  1. Connect your mic to a splitter.
    1. First line accepts sounds from your PC's second output (or USB)
    2. Second line heads toward PC.
  2. Split the line again.
    1. First line connects to PC's first input for Skype.
    2. Second line continues toward PC.
  3. Split the line again.
    1. First line accepts Skype from your PC's first output.
    2. Second line continues toward PC.
  4. Split the line again.
    1. First line connects to headphones.
    2. Second line continues to PC.
  5. Connect the final output connects to PC's second input (or USB) for recording/streaming.

Mixer, sounds, and one PC

Live-streaming with a mixer, sounds, and one PC

  1. Connect your mic to channel 1 of mixer.
  2. Connect PC's first output to channel 2 of mixer for Skype.
  3. Connect PC's second output (or USB) to channel 3/4 of mixer for sounds.
  4. Connect headphones to the mixer's headphones jack.
  5. Connect Aux Out (may also be called Aux Sends, FX Out, or FX Sends) back to PC's first input in mix-minus setup (see below).
  6. Connect Main Out or Tape Out to PC's second input (or USB) for recording/streaming.

Mixer, sounds, and two PCs

Live-streaming with a mixer, sounds, and two PCs

  1. Connect your mic to channel 1 of mixer.
  2. Connect Skype PC's output to channel 2 of mixer for Skype.
  3. Connect recording/streaming PC's output to channel 3/4 of mixer for sounds.
  4. Connect headphones to the mixer's headphones jack.
  5. Connect Aux Out (may also be called Aux Sends, FX Out, or FX Sends) back to Skype PC's input in mix-minus setup (see below).
  6. Connect Main Out or Tape Out to recording/streaming PC's input.

Overview of Skype mixer mix-minus

Skype Mixer Mix Minus

  1. Connect equipment as described above and illustrated here.
  2. Adjust the FX (or Aux) to 0dB (12 o'clock position) on the mic's channel (1)and the sounds channel (5/6 in this illustration).
  3. Adjust the FX (or Aux) to fully counterclockwise on the Skype channel (3/4 in this illustration).
  4. Use everything else as you normally would.

How I made these illustrations

After realizing how complicated my oral explanation was becoming, I decided to illustrate each of these setups. Rather than load up Adobe Illustrator, I wanted a simpler solution that could turn out results quickly.

I found LucidChart as a free (with paid options) online flowchart-making tool.

The icons came from

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  • Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
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About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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13 years ago

You should really look up Mumble. It's an open source VOIP client/server-software. And you can record with it.
Maybe it's not for live-stream but it's great for multiple hosts.

13 years ago

Daniel – this podcast episode was EXACTLY what I needed. The diagrams and verbal directions helped me get my new mixer (Xenyx 802) and U-Control hooked up to 2 computers for remote co-hosts, sound clips, etc. Thanks so much for your great work in the podcast community!

13 years ago
Reply to  Matt

v83PQc puwnamtolxzn

13 years ago

Thanks for covering this in such detail. I've been struggling to figure this out for my setup for a long time.

Brian Caruthers
13 years ago

Thank you so much for the diagrams. They really help my tiny brain. I am using 2 pc’s and a mixer and I want to record with 2 mic’s and skype with no sounds. I’ll try this out.

the mighty quin
13 years ago


Nice job on this post! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into your shows! Those are some of the best diagrams I have ever seen! (I will have to look into the software…)

Keep crushing it! Quin

PS looks like the network is coming along nicely as well!


[…] something when a picture in your shownotes may do a far better job. I ran into this with my explanation of wiring for live-streaming, so it was far better to illustrate on the shownotes.6. Write an excerptThis is the concise summary […]


[…] in our live-streaming series.5 Reasons, 4 CautionsHow to Live-Stream Yourself While PodcastingHow to Live-Stream and Record a Podcast with OthersHow to Embed Live-Streaming Video on a Podcast WebsiteHow to Put a Live Chat Room on a Podcast […]


[…] in our live-streaming series.5 Reasons, 4 CautionsHow to Live-Stream Yourself While PodcastingHow to Live-Stream and Record a Podcast with OthersHow to Embed Live-Streaming Video on a Podcast WebsiteIdeal chat room featuresEmbedding a chat room […]

13 years ago

Where is the mixer for $40? Ty

13 years ago

Concerning the Xenyx102 diagram…
Will I be able to split the audio from the headphone connection to allow another host/guest to listen via another pair of headphones .. and can I hook up another mic into the other XLR input or is Skype being plugged in creating a conflict there?

And better to ask now.. what connections in the end will I need going to my computer? I've got a limited array of connectors working a laptop with integrated sound. You mention USB? I'll need some converter I guess?

13 years ago

Yes that would help. But before I got the chance to read this I ended up getting a mixer (Behringer Xenyx 802) and played around with different connections and got things working (although haven't found a cable to split the headphone out – a headphone amp with several outputs might work better I'm thinking anyway). Unfortunately noise on the microphone inputs seems to be way beyond acceptable. Depending on if i can find the right levels to avoid hiss and ability to route more USB mics (currently using one plus playback audio) channels 3&4 will determine if I'll be returning this and looking for a higher quality mixer.

13 years ago

I pretty quickly narrowed it down the mic channels of the mixers. The connections to the analog outputs and inputs of my PCs aren't really a problem, when plugged into the stereo line in channels. For these a hiss only becomes present at unnecessarily high levels. This is not a problem for me. Every channel has this reasonable and

The mic channels, however, with nothing even connected to them, appear invite more noise than the mixer's other input channels when compared on similar levels. This is the troublesome noise. By the time I turn the gain and level up high enough for the mic to be heard adequately, this hiss has really impacted the quality of the audio – incredibly obvious and loud in moments of quiet during the recording. I've got some ideas how to get rid of this problem and I'll be trying them as they become possible for me to do.

The guide here has helped me plenty enough already and gave me the idea of how I had to route my audio in the first place to do what I'd like to. And I can do that now. Right now this is more an issue with my specific hardware where the potential to do beyond what I'm using it right now for seems to be limited. Anyways., I'm fine for help now. Thanks.

12 years ago

Great info Daniel & the infograms are clutch! Love my subscription!
I have a couple questions but first my setup.
I have a two pcs, Fast one is taking the Yeti mic& webcam in. (I’m also trying out a few video switcher programs on this computer. vmix2012 & vidblaster) The other computer is running skype.
I own a Behringer 302usb (can’t figure out mix minus on it) & an Behringer 802 has fx but no usb.
Currently using a usb Yeti but might have to use my Lav mic, or Heil PR40 to go through the mixer. Right now I’m liking using the usb Yeti.

So my problems are these:

~~Can you see a way to hack mix minus with the Behringer 302usb?

~~How do I send video back to the skype computer from my computer running the video switcher & cam. The skype machine doesn’t have a cam at all.

~~Do I need to have my mic on the mixer or can I just route through the video switchers?

Thanks for the help! Great inspiration. My idea was to do a decent live stream show with audience participation. If I can get this rolling I will be able to do it as planned without sacrificing quality or the spirit of my original idea.


12 years ago

Thanks for the prompt reply & good answers to a years old thread.

I bought the 302usb after reading how someone on G+ got mix minus with it, seemed fishy when I wrote for details and her never replied.
Anyway, I bought it to try it and realized while functional it really isn’t a mixer but more of a layerer.?. I will try the routing through the mixer from the 802. I have cascaded mixers before and found that as long as you only use phantom power on the first mixer & both are Behringers (or made by them) you don’t get that line buzz. I have found this to be true on about 25 different mixers, other brands just don’t work until you get into the $grands.
On Question #3 I will clarify. Because I love my Yeti (even over my Heil pr40 & pr31bw) I want to use it! It goes into the USB not the mixer. I want to use the mixer for mix minus but find a way to get the return mix to include the USB (vid switcher could possibly do this). If I have to use the XLR mic I will begrudgingly. Thought about using the Heil Q to the mixer but seems stupid to go USB->XLR->1/4->USB just to use one mic. I’m guessing that I may be able to use headphone out on the Yeti to run back into the mixer or direct to the Skype machine. My only issue is figuring out how to route different ins/outs on the streaming machine. Almost thinking about doing all sound on the Skype machine and routing into the streaming machine. (side thought: wondering if I might be able to get mix minus using the yeti headphone out and the 302usb).

After reading what I just typed I wondering if I should just return the 302USB and get a either a mixer with USB that has mix minus or go cheaper & use my 802 and get a Behringer UCA222 . I love to go cheap when it works as good as the high price stuff but in this case I’m blinded. In the beginning I wanted to be all digital but that went away fast. Now I have a mix of stuff and while it has opened more possibilities it has added too many possibilities. I can’t ever decide on a setting. I have torn apart my studio about 30 times in the last 4 months trying improvements and still haven’t perfected it. I have a ton of tools and am so frustrated not being able to do what I want or needing one more thing to get it. Then when I do it messes something else up. I will spend money to insure I won’t have to buy the more expensive model in a few months when I outgrow the cheaper option.
Seeing that you have probably gone through these growing pains already, can you tell me what I will end up needing in the end? I know I will need expansion room & more capabilities. Even if my vidcast isn’t a hit I plan on renting out my facilities to others for podcasting & a cheaper option for satellite guests or press junkets on Espn, Cnn, Fox, etc…

The podcast I’m planning is having a audience generated live stream show. No real plans, no Skype/call screeners, just answering questions, giving ideas, & smart guests taking questions. Thinking about the overused name of “The Know it All” or “Know it Most Show”. My goal is a educated discussion with irreverent fun. Something like the Daily Show mixed with a advice call-in plus some Art Bell weirdness, but most of the content from the viewers. I’m thinking big time. A nightly show on the net. Sorry this is so long but you are such a great reference tool & I’m frustrated beyond belief. Thank you so much for your help.

11 years ago

I’m in the process of starting my own network. I’m trying to get 3 episodes done for 2 different shows right now but I’ve run into a problem. When recording skype calls using the Xenyx 1002 mixer like in the diagram, I get a loud whining noise, only when the call is happening. Could that be with wiring, or maybe just the volume being sent out and received somehow getting feedback? If you have any clue what could be causing this, I would love help. In the mean time I’ll finish my websites and I will probably contact you for cover art in the near future.
Thank you,
Parker S Hicks

11 years ago

Daniel, Could I try Mixer, sounds, and two PCs with the xenyx 802?

11 years ago

as you wrote above “overview of skype mixer mix minus”

10 years ago

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for putting up this very informative site. Here’s my frustration. I have the same mixer Xenyx 1002 but I get a bit lost on how to connect it on my PC. Do i need to buy soundcard? I only see three slots at the back of my PC and I’m not sure where to put what. Thanks for your help.

10 years ago

I’m trying connect pc for skype and recording.

10 years ago

Hi Daniel,
Just following through. I think i’ve made some progress.
I can now record my audio while making a call but the other line is not getting picked up.
What do you think am i missing here? for now I think it’s the Skype connection that I’m not getting correctly.

Thanks for your help.


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Jim Goebel
Jim Goebel
10 years ago

Just started to listening to the podcast, and am enjoying it immensely. I run a libertarian themed live show on hangouts, and over another network at the same time out of my house in SW Suburban Chicago. One co-host lives 20 miles away, and the other is in Indianapolis. My dilemma is that I am using the Xenyx 502, but this does not have Aux.channels. How can I bridge this gap? I was thinking about using the track input to bridge this gap. My setup is a condenser mic, said mixer, a desktop PC, and an older laptop. Thoughts?

10 years ago

Hey Daniel, this is great! I just bought the Xenyx 1002 and I’m looking forward to using your diagram to set it up for a mix-minus. I have a question about the L/R in spots on the top right (just under tape out). I can input music/mp3 through that and hear it in the headphones, but I can’t get it to output through the USB. Is that by design? Or am I doing something wrong? Ideally I’d like to use that as a soundboard and keep the other channels free for other things (my mic, mix-minus setup, etc..). I hope this is clear enough.

9 years ago

Hey Daniel,

I am using a Behringer USB Soundcard to connect to the computer via usb. This guy made a video but I get confused on what cords are needed where

Would you mind shooting me over what cords I would need to grab to connect everything?

8 years ago

Okay so I don’t have my PC or mixer yet but I want to make sure I know how to set up stuff. So if I want skype on one channel, music one one channel, and a game sound on one channel I would need to have 3 different outputs from my PC to the mixer board right? and then I would assign each output as a different program/output? If you can email me at with answer thanks.

8 years ago

Great information here but one question for you. I do record my podcast through Skype with 3 other host and post produce audio and other stuff through using Audacity. This set up with 1 PC seems very helpful and what I am looking for but I don’t have a traditional mic, I use a USB headset mic. With this being the case, do you have a configuration that you could post for me? My cohosts and I are in 3 different locations, we use USB headsets, and record the conversation using Pamela for Skype. Any help you can lend would be great.

8 years ago

No problem Daniel. Thank you very much for the response. In doing some research, I am finding that most are not using USB headsets for that reason. I appreciate the help and will look in Voice Meeter.


[…] Here’s an easy to follow chart provided by The Audacity To Podcast: […]

Mikel Branch
Mikel Branch
8 years ago

Hi Daniel,

I think I have this down, based on your cast, another YouTube video, and an article… I have the Xenyx Q802USB. Does the USB cable satisfy the “Main Out” cable? The only reason I suspect it does is because when I connect my USB, all of my PC sound is routed through there.

Mikel Branch
Mikel Branch
8 years ago

Thank you Daniel. Secondary tbought: can I ignore the usb altogether? Simply not use it? I think I have a handle on it without the USB, but wasn’t sure if it was required.

4 years ago

I’m using the AceThinker Music Recorder whenever I want to record podcasts. This software is so reliable when it comes to recording any audio from your computer. You just need to click the “Record” button and the tool will do the rest for you. I usually use this tool to record paid music so I can listen to them freely.


[…] remotas sino que pretenden que hagas una conferencia local (p.e. con skype) y eso lo compartas. Hay posts que explican desde simplemente enviar el audio tal cual llega a demenciales configuraciones […]

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