See and hear the difference between popular microphones for audio and video podcasting:

I also mentioned the wonderfully versatile No products found., which works great on many ball-shaped microphones.

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About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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Ryan Rampersad
11 years ago

I have used the ATR-2100 for the last couple of months. It sounds great and if I actually do ever get out of my little studio, I can still record via USB and still sound decent. The improvements between the ATR-2100 and the Behringer XM1800S I previously used are not so noticeable though, and those were a steal, essentially $12 each in a three pack on Amazon. For low end mics, they’re both good for podcasting though I tend to recommend the 2100 because of its flexibility.

11 years ago

I’ve been thinking about the stereo Giant Squid mic for convention interviews, but I’m worried that the mics will pick up too much room noise. Any thoughts or ideas about that kind of usage?

Adi Khajuria
11 years ago

Personally, I think that the Behringer C-1U is also a good mic for people who are starting out and really good sound quality for the price.

11 years ago

Plus the problem with the C-1U is that it is USB only. So you are stuck in the original problem of shelling out lots of money for a mic that limits you to only being able to record one person at a time.

Jim Kerwin
Jim Kerwin
11 years ago


Regarding the GiantSquid mic — I assume from the price you quoted that you’re talking about the $40 cardioid mono mic, rather than the mic the site recommends as “great for podcasting and interviews,” namely the $75 “omnidirectional mono microphone.” Why would the site recommend the omni over the cardioid?

Also, a note on the ATR-2100 USB: I just stumbled across a Dave Jackson post in which he wrote that the mic can be used as XLR and USB at the same time. His specific podcasting situation, as I recall, was to record his end of a “double-ender” (XLR to a PDR) while using the same a mic for the Skype conversation (USB to computer). That makes this unit a triple threat.

Thanks for a very helpful podcast; but this is one that begs to be seen as well as heard. (I thought something was wrong with my new smartphone or the BeyondPod podcast player when you repeated the same phrase four times towards the end. It made perfect sense in the video, though!) Headphones definitely required for full appreciation!


(I apologize if this posts twice. Disqus did something strange the first time I tried to post.)

Jim Kerwin
Jim Kerwin
11 years ago

I stand corrected (which is good, because I hope to place an order soon, if GiantSquid will reply to an e-mail query I sent a few days ago). But in a podcasting environment, why omni over cardioid? I can see omni for perhaps a “sound scape” (which I may be doing in Guatemala shortly), but normally wouldn’t a cardioid pattern cut down on unwanted environmental noise?

Jim Kerwin
Jim Kerwin
11 years ago

One other item — I was trying to work out the difference between the more expensive AT2005USB (XLR/USB “professional”) and the less expensive ATR2100USB (XLR/USB “consumer”) mics, so I called A-T customer support. Bottom line: other than slight cosmetic differences, the AT2005 has a beefier — and magnetic — on/off switch, whereas the ATR2100 has a mechanical switch which is more likely to add a “click” into a recording when used. That’s it. I’m sold.

Joe Mastroianni
11 years ago

I’m looking to replace my Blue Yeti (the USB only one, not the pro that has XLR as well). I’m wondering if the ATR-2100 would sound just as good as the Yeti plus give me the flexibility to move out to a mixer setup when I decided to.

Joe Mastroianni
11 years ago

Ordered myself the ATR2100-USB (took a bit of wrangling to get it in Canada at a reasonable price). Excited to give it a go!

Joe Mastroianni
11 years ago

Luckily my brother lives in Orlando and my father is currently down visiting, so I got the price. Any place that would ship it to Canada was charging 70-80 dollars! Just need to wait for my father to come back up with the mic in tow.

Ron Eastwood
Ron Eastwood
11 years ago

Hi Daniel,
Good info! I have often wondered about the comparative sound quality of a headset mic like you see a pop singer or conference speaker use. It seems like they would be better than any of the others for personal mobility. But what about the sound? Any experience with them? Any chance a vendor would lend you one for a “shootout”?

Ross PR
11 years ago

Loved the review of these. I heard about the AT2100 from Patt Flynn then found you on a related video. I’m looking at getting the Zoom Hn4 to start as I may need to do some filed recording for my podcast starting this month so can’t afford that and the Heil so the AT2100 is a great option to start. Thanks for taking the time to create this!

Ross PR
11 years ago

That’s good to know thanks! I’ve been looking at the H4n vs the Tascam DR40 and honestly don’t know if there’s an advantage of one over the other. Your thoughts?

Melissa Shanhun
11 years ago

Thanks Dan, I’m just finally using my AT2100 thanks to your review. Gotta work out why my levels are soooo low when I plug it in via USB

Melissa Shanhun
11 years ago

Thanks Dan, I’ll go find the drivers! I’m on Windows 8

Melissa Shanhun
11 years ago

Hi Daniel – I’ve done google searches and scoured Audio Technica’s website to no avail. Would you have a suggestion on where to look for a driver?


Brent Bishop
Brent Bishop
10 years ago

Daniel, Thank you for all the work you do and help you provide. I for one am very thankful to you. I’m a long time listener and but this is my first comment… or, er question. I currently have a Nady SP-1 and am thinking of upgrading to the AT2100. Is the difference between them in sound enough of a difference to warrant the upgrade? I am currently running the SP-1 through a Bheringer Q502-USB. Please keep up the good work and know that you are appreciated!

Longbox Review
Longbox Review
8 years ago

Hi Daniel. As I was watching the video, I kept trying to figure out the microphone positioning. It looks like you have the mics positioned in front of you, but turned to the side somewhat (so that you’re not speaking directly into the “top” of the mic). Would you please elaborate on your mic positioning? Thanks.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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