Before you press record, make sure you've checked these 20 things to ensure a quality podcast.

Download this as a checklist

1. Turn on all equipment

As basic as this is, it's important to do early in your process. Some equipment takes time to either warm up or cool down from being turned on. CFLs, for example, take about fifteen minutes to come to full brightness and correct color temperature. Your computer may have to finish launching all startup programs and then settle down the CPU.

  • Lights
  • Cameras
  • Mixer
  • Audio processor
  • Microphones
  • Recorders
  • Computers
  • Other devices

2. Verify equipment settings

You don't have to double-check every setting, but do glance over the most-adjusted settings.

  • Battery levels
  • Available storage space
  • Volume levels
  • Mix-minus configuration
  • Muted and unmuted tracks
  • Connected cables
  • Inputs and outputs on all devices
  • Camera focus

3. Place recorder(s) in standby

If your recording app or device has a standby mode just before it starts recording, activate this early. Then, you'll see this frequently as your progress through your checklist and can always be sure it's ready.

4. Load necessary programs

Have every program you need or think you may need open and ready. This will prevent awkward or edit points where you have to wait for something to launch.

  • Soundboard
  • Skype or other calling software
  • Recorder
  • Live-streaming software
  • Chat room
  • Show notes
  • Web browser

5. Turn off home noise-makers

It's always best to prevent noise before you record instead of removing it afterward. Turn off or silence these things and you'll get a cleaner recording.

  • Heater
  • Air conditioner
  • Fans
  • Dishwasher
  • Humidifier
  • Music or TV
  • Noisy furniture
  • Your mouse or scrollwheel (consider using the touchpad)
  • Other appliances

6. Take care of pets

Pets can be unpredictable distractions and mess up a good recording. Make wise decisions about your pets and you'll have less stuff to fix in your recordings.

  • Take away noisy toys
  • Remove noisy collar
  • Pen away from studio or ensure control in studio

7. Occupy your children with something

Let's be honest. Children are a blessing, but sometimes those bundles of joy can make some tasks more difficult. Be a good parent with your kids and come up with fun, creative solutions so they'll be onboard with helping you.

  • Put away noisy toys
  • Encourage quiet activities (especially consider fun things that are only for when you record)
  • Record during naps or after bed time

8. Close doors and windows

You can't control the sound outside your home. But it's likely that most outdoor noises won't make it into your recording through closed doors or windows.

Yes, sometimes you may just need to wait until your neighbor stops mowing because that's too loud.

If you record video, you may also need to close blinds.

9. Prepare your space

A clutter-free workspace will actually help you focus more, but how your arrange the items around you may also assist in your production quality.

  • Clear your desk
  • Check video background
  • Position props or equipment
  • Arrange windows on your monitor(s) or tablet

10. Turn off GSM phones or place in “airplane mode”

Some phones will create rhythmic interference noises, or just cause general sound problems. Turn these off or put them in “airplane mode” to reduce that chance of interruptions.

11. Switch mobile devices to “do not disturb” (DND)

If your phone must stay on, or you have other mobile devices, DND mode will ensure that they don't beep or vibrate during your session.

12. Silence computer sounds

Check for any sound your computer may make and turn it off.

  • Notifications
  • Interactions
  • Warnings

13. Shut down unnecessary programs

Your computer's resources are a valuable commodity. Make sure that only the programs you need running are loaded. Especially check for updaters, synchronizers, backups, virus scans, and RAM- or CPU-intensive apps.

14. Care for your body

Your voice is your “money-maker” in podcasting, so keep it healthy, but don't forget the rest of your body!

  • Use the restroom (and encourage others in your house to do the same)
  • Drink a full glass of room-temperature water
  • Pour another glass of room-temperature water
  • Clear your throat and sinuses
  • Put on lip balm (but choose the kind that doesn't dry your lips)
  • Adjust your clothing
  • Fix your hair
  • Retouch makeup
  • Wipe your face
  • Try some mouth exercises

15. Review your notes

No matter how simple or complex your notes, another review will help keep you focused, give you new ideas, and aid your transitions.

  • How will you open?
  • Do you know what you want to share?
  • How will you close?

16. Prepare resources

Podcasting often feels like being a film producer and director. Ensure all your resources are at your command.

  • Queue audio or video clips
  • Skip ads in multimedia
  • Load web pages you'll need
  • Open feedback messages
  • Embed or update your live player

17. Test everything

Even if you'd done this hundreds of times, still test everything before you record. This will ensure you don't lose an episode or have a mysterious problem creep into your podcast.

18. Start recording

This should be the last step before you start speaking, so you'll always know it's the signal to go. You don't have to start all recorders at the exact same moment, but at least have a synchronization point—like a clap—for aligning everything.

  • Video camera
  • External audio recorder
  • Live-streaming software
  • Software recorders
  • Cohosts' devices

19. Break the ice

With the recorder running, have some small talk with your guest, your chat room, or even yourself. This can help calm the nerves. Sometimes, you may even discover a gold nugget in this preshow content.

20. Present!

If you use a timer, start it the moment you start your podcast so it tracks your talk time, not just recording time.

With everything in place, you're ready to record!

Download a FREE printable checklist

What else do you have to check? Please comment in the show notes.

Episode 165 will discuss the bigger picture of your podcasting workflow.

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Ask your questions or share your feedback

  • Comment on the shownotes
  • Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
  • Email (audio files welcome)

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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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10 years ago

Number 7…unfortunately I’m occupying them by having them host the podcast…what are your tips for getting them to focus?

10 years ago

Excellent list – thanks Daniel!

Terry Jachimiak II
Terry Jachimiak II
10 years ago

Wonderful list. Each of your podcasts are helping me as I develop my first two podcasts. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.

Terry Jachimiak II
Terry Jachimiak II
10 years ago

Completely agree. I have actually done my first two episodes for my first two podcasts. Took me a while, but after listening to you and a couple others, I knew it was time to finally take the plunge.

JD Sutter
10 years ago

Great list. Especially number 12. It is so annoying to me as a listener when I heard system sounds from the computer in a podcast.

I also really hate hearing a dog barking in the background.

Stephen Gulick
Stephen Gulick
10 years ago

Probably doesn’t matter because they should be turned off anyway, but Sprint is CDMA not GSM. ATT and T-mobile are GSM. Verizon is CDMA as well. Phone geek going back to listening. Great list though.


[…] Before you press record, make sure you’ve checked these 20 things to ensure a quality podcast. complete article Filed Under: Podcasting Tips Tagged With: how to podcast, marketing my podcast, podcast directory […]

Slam Anderson
10 years ago

Daniel, you have some amazingly great insight into podcasting. When I set out to start a podcast, I had no idea all the little details needed to do it right. I’ve been glued to your site and podcasts for a week now learning as much as possible prior to launch. Thanks for the hard work.

Slam Anderson
10 years ago

I am aiming for a July 1st launch. It’s called Slam Session : A Geek’s Guide to God, the Galaxy, and Government. In short, being someone who is both a lifelong Christian, and a geek who believes in Science, are rather contradictory. I also tie in how both relate to our political system, freedom, and duty to be involved.

Slam Anderson
10 years ago

Couldn’t agree more. Christians need to be more willing to accept that the same all powerful, all knowing God who works in mysterious ways just very well may use Science to bring about some of His will. At the same time, Scientists who make new discoveries all the time, should be more open to appreciate the possibility of an intelligence at work.

Liz Angelene M Verano
Liz Angelene M Verano
9 years ago

This is very timely and I am thankful that I was able to bump on this article before heading to recording my podcast. Checklist is very important in this kind of process to make sure everything has been ready and ironed. Likewise, I also find this link useful in achieving a successful podcasting.
7 years ago

We find more facilities in our mobile phone today. Podcast is one of them. But i face some problems to install this in my device properly. As a result i didn’t find more facilities from here.Thank you for give me some tips in here.


[…] to Podcast show. And you can download the free copy of the pre-flight checklist from the link of episode TAP164 from Daniel’s […]

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