New Feedburner, Facebook RSS Graffiti, GarageBand ’11, and More

Google updated Feedburner with mostly real-time stats, Apple released GarageBand '11, easily get your podcast into Facebook with RSS Graffiti, TechPodcasts Network, Podcast Awards, and a fellow podcaster launches Podcast Starter.

Audacity tip: finding answers in the Audacity Wiki.

New Feedburner with live stats

“Google finally updated Feedburner” seems to be a coming phrase in response to Google's announcement in their blog post. This brings some handy, albeit still a little ambiguous updates.

The immediately noticeable change is a totally refined interface, much more similar to Google Analytics.

The new Feedburner looks more like Google Analytics

The other new feature is that some Feedburner stats are no longer totally delayed by a day.

Additionally, if you use the FeedBurner Socialize service, and your platform uses PubSubHubbub or you ping us when you post, you can for the first time get stats on how much traffic your feed items are receiving from Twitter, as well as feed reading platforms like Google Reader in one place. Again, all within seconds of posting your content. Ping? Pong! Yep. That fast.

Your subscriber and reach numbers are still calculated based on a whole day's worth of requests, and are based on the traffic you received yesterday and before; but your item stats reflect the traffic you are receiving right now.

I welcome these new improvements! Hopefully, this is a step in the direction of completely merging Feedburner with Google Analytics.

To preview the new Google Feedburner, login to Feedburner and click “Try out the NEW (beta) version!” at the top, or visit the new address directly.

GarageBand '11—meh

As I previously blogged, Apple announced the release of iLife '11 and, with it, GarageBand '11. Unfortunately, it seems there are no new features for podcasters, but there may be some hidden enhancements or subtle interface upgrades that make something easier. You know that I use Audacity to edit all of our podcast episodes, but I'm interested to hear from anyone who purchases GarageBand '11 and see if there are any substantial updates for podcasters.

GarageBand '11's musician-focused updates

GarageBand '11's musician-focused updates


Listener Ron emailed to share some ideas, including reminding me of the Audacity Wiki, where I have now listed The Audacity to Podcast™ among the tutorials with several links to Audacity-focused episodes.

Andrew McGivern shared great news about the RSS Graffiti app for Facebook. I was previously using NetworkedBlogs to feed my blog and podcasts onto my personal profile and separate Facebook Pages. RSS Graffiti does the same thing, not only much easier (without a complicated verification), but also includes an embedded audio or video player for your enclosures!

RSS Graffiti (top) versus NetworkedBlogs (bottom)

RSS Graffiti (top) versus NetworkedBlogs (bottom)

This further supports the pursuit of reaching your audience where they are by allowing Facebook friends and “likers” (I hate that word) to play your episodes without leaving Facebook. I'm quite certain the will still play nicely with your LibSyn, Blubrry, or other media stats.

Thanks, Andrew! Check out his The Bunker Project.

Upcoming digital products

I recently purchased ScreenFlow 2, a screen-recording/screencasting program for OS X so that I can begin producing several training videos as digital products—some free, some paid. You'll be able to watch, listen, and learn Audacity, WordPress, Google Analytics, and more!

ScreenFlow is a fantastic program for OS X. If you're interested in getting it for yourself, then please use my affiliate link for ScreenFlow and help support the Network.

TechPodcast Network

I'm honored for The Audacity to Podcast™ to now be a member of the TechPodcasts Network!

The Audacity to Podcast™ on TechPodcasts Network

Sixth annual Podcast Awards

Please nominate the Network of podcasts for the sixth annual Podcast Awards starting on November 7!

But don't just vote! Submit your own podcast(s) for the chance to win prizes, or just more publicity. If you really want publicity, consider sponsoring a prize!

New podcasting podcast: Podcast Starter

The genius behind the now-ended (but forever-loved) Nobody's Listening podcast, James Kennison, now has the NLCast Network of excellent podcasts. With his vast experience in podcasting, it's no surprise that he has introduced a new podcast for people wanting to start podcasting as a hobby: Podcast Starter.

James has always been an inspiration to me and even a distant mentor as I have refined my own comedy podcast. Just his first episode, “Six Tips for Starting a Hobby Podcast,” gives a hint to his wonderful approach for those wanting to launch into a podcasting. Please check out Podcast Starter and tell James “the Ramen Noodle™” sent you.

Audacity tip: Audacity Wiki

Not so much a how-to, but a source of more knowledge, you should check out the Audacity Wiki to learn more about Audacity and find the answers to many frequently asked questions!

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I no longer offer one-on-one consulting outside of Podcasters' Society, but request a consultant here and I'll connect you with someone I trust to help you launch or improve your podcast.

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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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