Podcasters, Podcasting Equipment, and Podcasting Software that I’m Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving! I share a bunch of resources and inspirations for which I'm thankful. This is almost a “how I podcast” episode, but not quite.

In full honesty, some of the following links are affiliate links. Purchasing these products will financially benefit Noodle.mx Network. However, this list was generated on personal preference and experience, before even considering any potential affiliate income. This list is truly honest.

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Podcasters who have inspired me

  1. Leo Laporte and TWiT podcast and Matthew Jordan‘s You Suck at Web Design podcast (podfaded)
  2. Cali Lewis and GeekBrief.tv podcast (retired)
  3. Cliff Ravenscraft and GSPN.tv
  4. James Kennison and Nobody’s Listening podcast
  5. Erik Fisher and WBR Show (previously a comedy podcast, now WellnessBreak Radio)

Podcasting equipment I’m thankful for

  1. Heil Sound PL-2T overhead broadcast boom ($120, MusiciansFriend.com | No products found.)
  2. Mic shockmount ($30–$100, selection from Amazon.com or search MusiciansFriend.com)
  3. No products found. ($299)
  4. No products found. ($556)
  5. No products found. ($83)

Websites or web technologies that help me podcast

  1. WordPress
  2. PowerPress WordPress plugin and Blubrry Podcast Stats (both free and neither requires the other)
  3. Twitter (via TweetDeck)
  4. DropBox and Mozy (10% off and up to three months free with promo code NOVEMBER)
  5. Google Reader
  6. Site5 web hosting

Podcasting software I’m thankful for

  1. TextExpander (OS X, $34.95) / PhraseExpress (Windows, free for personal)
  2. Audacity (Windows and OS X, free) and Chris’s Dynamic Compressor
  3. PodProducer (Windows, free) / Soundbooth 2.0 (OS X, $49)
  4. CamTwist (OS X, free) / ManyCam (Windows and OS X, free)
  5. No products found. (OS X, $54.95) / No products found. (OS X, $62.98)

What you're thankful for

David: I'm a big SciFi fan so i like Starship Sofa and Escape Pod. They have great stories and very good editorials. Starship Sofa even won a Hugo this year. Mainly I like to listen on my way to work during the commute which is about 40 minutes. What's cool is that's about the length of a lot of podcasts.

I like your Audacity to Podcast because it focuses on mainly on a single subkect rather that trying to cover to many products. I like more in depth types of subjects.

Dave Thackeray: The Zoom H4n. Love it. I could probably go on the road with this dude and need nothing else. Apart from a voice and PC!

Vickie: Kodak Zi8 mini HD camcorder. Amazing quality in the palm of my hand. Skype for video chatting with my 70-year-old parents in Florida.

Thank you for nominating us on PodcastAwards.com

We're waiting to see which nominations are accepted. When voting opens on December 1, please vote for all of our podcasts listed in the Podcast Awards.

TRON: Legacy poster

TRON: Legacy poster giveaway

We're giving away some really cool posters for TRON: Legacy. To enter, simply subscribe to our email newsletter from the bottom of any webpage on Noodle.mx.

Limited to the contiguous United States. Hurry! This giveaway expires on Thanksgiving day. Read this for more details.

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Ask your questions or share your feedback

  • Comment on the shownotes
  • Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
  • Email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com (audio files welcome)

Connect with me


This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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14 years ago

Hey this was a really fun episode, Daniel. Great job. It always feels good to be thankful! I need to do more of that in my life–there's a lot to be thankful for, especially in podcasting. I'm thankful for your show because you gave me the guts back in July to finally start doing this podcasting thing for real! Thank you thank you thank you!

14 years ago

Awesome! I suggest my feature episodes–I have some cool interviews that Pixar fans will really enjoy. Thank you for following me on Twitter! And I'd be happy to hear any feedback you have to make my podcast better–you really are the inspiration for me to get going! Thanks!

14 years ago

Daniel, Great episode and very helpful. Thanks for your thankful episode (even though my Thanksgiving Day was in October).

When you have some time, can you do a quick episode, maybe video, on how you have your equipment set up (like Cliff R's webinar from a few weeks ago, http://podcastanswerman.com/studiosetup/). Nothing as extensive, more curious about how you have the Zoom H4N connected to your mixer and computer. From what I can see, the H4N doesn't have a line in jack like my Zoom H2. A few photographs or images will be fine.

14 years ago

Hi Daniel,
I'm new to podcasting, web/blogging and techno things in general, but when I bought an IPOD touch a year ago and started listening to podcasts like Stuff you Should Know, the Buddhist Geek and the newly named Being from APM, I recognized the incredible value of the medium. I did jump right in this past month with both a blog/website and two extremely rough podcasts about one of my passions-poker. I'm not OCD and I do believe that being a perfectionist slows one down, so I'm on my way. However, I think my listeners will really appreciate if I get better quickly. So, I'm delighted to have found your podcasts and now your website and additionally, your gratitude list. Thanks for everything. I hope you want for nothing! THANKS so very much for sharing.
Mary <a href="http:// (www.ponderingpoker.com)” target=”_blank”> <a href="http://(www.ponderingpoker.com)” target=”_blank”>(www.ponderingpoker.com)

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