12 ways to use an iPad or Android tablet with podcasting

Podcasting with an iPad or Android tablet is possible, but have you consider adding a tablet to your current podcasting workflow? Here's how to use a tablet with your podcast!

1. Soundboard

Use your tablet to play your soundtrack (bumpers, intro, outro, voicemail, etc.) into your podcast. This is, by far, the most popular use for an Android tablet or iPad with podcasting.

I use an iPad and Sound Byte for bringing in my music intro and outro and that is all. It helps me create a podcast without having to edit in the music every time and I can just run the finished file through MP3 tag and Audacity to equalize, convert to mono and compress and I’m good to go.

Barry Kessler from The Southern California Real Estate Answer Man

I use Bossjock as a soundboard that feeds my mixer.

Podcast episodes typically include prerecorded segments from regular contributors and listeners. The recordings are placed in Dropbox by the authors. From within Bossjock, I pull the recordings from Dropbox into the app, individually adjust their levels (if needed), and color code them by type.

I also have standard segment intros, outros, and bumpers in Bossjock.

To position the tablet in a convenient location, it's mounted in a K&M iPad holder attached to the arm of a mic stand. Then, as we record an episode, I use the Bossjock soundboard to quickly launch the right recording at the proper time, which can be heard by the co-hosts and guest on Skype.

I like this setup because of the efficiency with which I get each week's recordings into the sound board, and the ease with which I play them as we record the episode.

Max Flight from Airplane Geeks

I use an iPad and BossJock. BossJock makes it super simple to organize sound effects and audio listener feedback for our show.

Dwaine Stroud from Survivor Talk with D&D and Shootin’ the Breeze with D&D

I use Sound Byte on an iPad Air to play intro and outro music into my live show.

Dave Jackson from School of Podcasting / Ask the Podcast Coach

I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab.

I work as a radio broadcast engineer and we use an automation system that has an application called the “Wall of Carts” which can fire sound elements by tapping a touch screen monitor. … We use Google+ Hangouts on Air and treat the show just like a live radio show which saves me time in the editing and post production of the podcast. What I like about the app is the ability to title the buttons and loop music beds. I do not like the ads which sometimes pop up and get in my way. They do not offer a paid version which I would happily pay for to remove the adds. I also think they should allow you to change the color of the buttons which would be helpful when you are doing a live show and need to find a critical sound file quickly.
Tom Stewart from A Swift Kick In The Ass podcast

I use an Apple iPad and Soundbyte for my intro and my outro music, and I also use it to play clips and sound bytes from the people/issues I’m covering that particular day (my podcast is about news/politics).  It’s super helpful in that regard  What I like about it is that it is reasonably intuitive and easy to learn, and is also easy to use.  It has a lot of useful features like volume control for individual tracks, fade in/fade out, etc.  Also has a pause feature which can be helpful when you’re playing lengthy clips.

Mike Dakkak from In the News with Mike Dakkak

Recommended apps

2. Recording

Record your audio or video podcast directly into your tablet!

I use a No products found. and Audacity for recording the podcast. The Surface Pro 3 is light and has the best resolution and screen size compared to other tablets I have used in the past. During the cast I use a Bluetooth Keyboard and mouse to take notes of the show. any other time I am managing the website and emails with the touch screen.

LeRoy Otterson from Geeks Amok Podcast

Recommended apps

3. Curating content

I often prefer to consume content (especially video and articles) on my iPad, which can be a great way to collect ideas for a show.

We have Android tablets and use Feedly to find great content from multiple RSS feeds and then tag them into Pocket for our podcast. [paraphrased from audio feedback]

Rafael Ruiz from Crusaders Radio – Produced by Dark Mind Radio

Recommended apps

4. Preparing notes

Work on your podcast outline or develop content ideas from anywhere. You can also include real-time collaborators with many apps.

I'm using a Kindle Fire tablet. I've contemplated getting a surface or iPad but given that I use the Kindle for limited application related to my podcast, I can't justify the expense at this juncture

I typically use Evernote to draft my show notes on. While recording I will actually read directly from the Kindle. I record my podcast into my Roland digital recorder utilizing either a lavaliere mic or my “Blue” mic. I'm not comfortable recording into anything other than my Roland at this point ….

Rod Thomas from It's Not As You Perceive and The Messianic Torah Observer

Recommended apps

5. Presenting

After you've prepared your notes, you can use the tablet to help you give the content within your podcast.

Recommended apps

  • Everything from “Preparing”
  • Teleprompter apps

6. Guest/cohost call-in

Instead of buying an expensive additional computer to handle your calls, consider using your tablet.


7. Live-streaming

Yes, you can even use a tablet to handle your live-streaming audio or video.

Recommended apps

8. Live engagement

When you're live-streaming, it's great to engage with your live audience. A tablet can be a great way to do that!

Recommended apps

9. Editing

Need to edit your podcast on the go, or after you recorded into your tablet? This can be tricky, but apps are getting better.

Recommended apps

10. Remote control

Use your tablet to control something else. It could be a specific app, a piece of hardware, replace your mouse or keyboard, control your home HVAC, or remotely control your entire computer.

Recommended apps

11. Silent research

Typing on a mechanical keyboard can be distracting while podcasting. Instead, consider the touchscreen keyboard of your tablet

Recommended apps

  • Wikipedia
  • Built-in browser

12. Expensive mixing

Some high-end mixers are starting to to function like computers and offer a tablet control experience.


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  • Comment on the shownotes
  • Leave a voicemail at (903) 231-2221
  • Email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com (audio files welcome)

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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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James Gass
James Gass
9 years ago

Soundpad is the soundboard app I would recommend for Android users. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.timluegger.soundpad

JD Sutter
9 years ago
Reply to  James Gass

Totally agree. I’ve tested many soundboard apps and this is the best by far.

Jeremy Boone
9 years ago

Daniel do you know if it’s possible to record a live audio skype interview on the ipad and record it with BossJock studio?

9 years ago


I very much enjoyed this episode. I really like the idea of using a tablet in many ways for podcasting. I currently have a chromebook and I use it a lot, as well.

I recently got a Bluetooth keyboard and wrote a review of it on my blog here: http://g33kdad.thestrangeland.net/2015/02/06/product-review-logitech-k480-multi-device-bluetooth-keyboard/

I hope someone else may find this helpful.

aka @sahg33kdad

Joe C. Hecht
Joe C. Hecht
9 years ago

There are a few apps on Android that will allow you to hook up your XLR (via a XLR2UBS dongle) or USB mic and turn your phone or tablet into a multitrack recorder that is just as good (or better) than a portable recorder such as a Zoom. You can even hook your mixer to the phone and use it to record your show (or as a backup recording device). The sound quality can be nothing short of amazing.

It is worth noting that Android, iOS, and that ZOOM device are actually running some version of what I call a “Lun-ix” operating system (some smattering of Unix, Linux, or BSD under the hood), so all it takes is a good USB audio driver and a OTG cable (preferably powered) to do the trick and get you recording. A micro battery pack hooked up to a OTG cable can power the hookup for a very long time.

Know that I often kick myself for buying a portable recorder like my Xoom H5 or H6 (and accessories), knowing I have that same capability on my phones and tablets.

For a mic, while we love the Heil PR-40, it does not travel well and is too bulky for a “stand up interview”, so we have adopted the the Heil PR-22. It has a built in shock mount, and it is designed not pick up a lot of excess noise. As a side note, we have found this mic to be amazing for recording a female voice when compared to the PR-40 with it’s huge lower bottom end. The price is right, especially the “UT” model that simply comes without a case.

USB Audio Recorder PRO and Audio Evolution Mobile DAW by eXtream Software Development is a great start for adding USB input for adding Audio and MIDI devices to your phone or tablet and doing multi-track recordings.

I would like to add that a ground loop isolator is great for knocking out any buzz you might get when hooking a tablet, phone, or anything using a headphone jack to your mixer. They are very inexpensive (< $10), and have been a real lifesaver here at the Swampwërks.

For example:

The Pyle PLGI35T 3.5 mm/1/8-Inch Stereo Audio Ground Loop Isolator is a good bet (thanks Ray Ortega), and there are others available for RCA, 1/4", and XLR inputs as well.

9 years ago

I want to use my iPad for sound effects (funny drops etc.) to incorporate into my podcast. I use Audacity (not sure if thats important in this process) but I’m not sure how to play the sounds from my iPad to my show. Can someone tell me the best way they did this process? shoot me an email to help me!


[…] And this is all basic; I don’t go into gates, condensers, telephone calls, apps like BossJock and Sound Byte, and many other things. Okay, here we […]


[…] 12 ways to use an iPad or Android tablet with podcasting […]


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Manuel Flores
Manuel Flores
8 years ago

Thank you so much Daniel with all you do for us. My issue is that it’s really difficult finding an App for my

Alesis iOMix 4 Channel Multitrack Audio Interface Mixer for iPad. Specially we want to record a 4 person show by way of XLR cables. From my understanding Garage band recording time was only limited by memory of your ipad. Now it seems that you have about a 20 something recording limit. This of course just wont cut it for a near Hour show. Please help. Thank you.

1 year ago

Looking for an app/tablet to take audio from my rodecaster into the device to stream. No luck with my ipad pro II.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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