If you enjoy our Noodle.mx Network podcasts to make you think, laugh, and succeed, please nominate us in the 8th annual Podcast Awards!
How to nominate
- Collect all your nominations together because you can only submit them once.
- Visit PodcastAwards.com.
- Fill in the podcast names and website addresses under each appropriate category:
- Comedy: the Ramen Noodle, https://cleancomedypodcast.com/
- Entertainment: ONCE podcast, https://oncepodcast.com/
- Religion Inspiration: Christian Meets World, http://ChristianMeetsWorld.com/
- Technology: The Audacity to Podcast, https://theaudacitytopodcast.com/
- Enter your real name and email address.
- Mark yourself as a listener, producer, or both, depending on which podcasts you're nominating.
- Add any questions or comments.
- Click Submit!
Please submit your nominations by October 15, 2012. Then vote every day starting November 1, 2012.
Unfortunately, Beyond the To Do List is too young to be in the awards. But we look forward to next year!