Photo courtesy of Martin Cathrae via Flickr Creative Commons
In my own response to “5 things that WON'T enhance your podcast,” learn how a few investments can improve your audio or video podcast. Each of these do cost time or money, but are well worth it!
1. Add video or audio with big “IFs”
If you're hosting an audio podcast that has to explain a lot of things, consider releasing videos.
If you're hosting a video podcast that is mostly a talking head, consider releasing an audio edition, too. This may help you appeal to the larger audio audience who prefers audio for its easier consumption.
2. Better mic, mixer, camera, or other equipment
Software very rarely enhances your podcast to your audience, but upgrading your equipment will!
Consider a better mic, or an additional one. Maybe a larger mixer for including more cohosts. Or maybe a nicer camera so your live-stream or published video can be higher quality.
3. More time
Time doesn't cost money, but it is still a great investment. Consider how much better your podcast would be if you spent more time:
- preparing your topic,
- writing shownotes,
- blogging in your field,
- interacting with your audience,
- editing distracting parts of your podcast (but sometimes, mistakes are good to leave in, like when my iPad “exploded” in my clean-comedy podcast),
- finding more content,
- and more.
4. New knowledge
Learning new or better things may cost time, money, or both. But it's another way for you to invest in your hobby or business. There are a lot of things we could all learn to improve:
- better mic technique,
- speaking/presentation skills,
- productivity tools,
- shortcuts and know-how on software you already have,
- and more.
5. Improved website
Your podcast isn't only about the audio or video download! Your website is the home to your podcast, so it should be organized and welcoming to current and potential listeners.
I've previously shared 5 steps to an effective (podcast) website, and there are more things you can do or hire someone to do for you:
- make your website mobile-friendly (or at least compatible),
- encourage more subscriptions with effective calls to action (I mentioned as a recent example),
- make money with affiliate links,
- better shownotes,
- optimize your site to load faster,
- redesign for facelift and memorable attractiveness,
- make it easier for visitors to find or share information,
- and more.
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5 things that WILL enhance your podcast #podcasting
— Daniel J. Lewis (@theDanielJLewis) July 16, 2012
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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.
Totally agree with the idea of upgrading equipment over software Daniel. Personally, I’m looking forward to my next microphone which will be a Neumann TLM 103.
I hadn’t heard of the mic before. What made you choose it? Will you be reviewing it?
It seems to be a popular mic with voice over artists. Good, clean sound and yes I’ll pop a review up when I get mine!