Recorded from New Media Expo 2015, hear podcasters' favorite podcasting tools and share your own!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Fred Castaneda: Zoom H4n (and other Zoom recorders)
Podcasts: Skills in Screencasts and Podcasts, Podcast Reporter, and Struggling Entrepreneur
Favorite podcasting tools: No products found.
Also check out the No products found., No products found., No products found., No products found., and No products found.; plus Fred's new Podcasting for Screencasters webinar.
Matt Cox: Audacity
Podcast: Brunch with the Brits
Favorite podcasting tool: Audacity
Rebecca Forstadt Olkowski: Audacity's effects
Podcast: 2 Boomer Broads
Favorite podcasting tool: Audacity‘s compression and normalization
Lawrence Sanek: Levelator
Podcast: Home Seller Home Buyer
Favorite podcasting tool: The Levelator
Jared Easley: Podcast Movement
Podcast: Starve The Doubts
Favorite podcasting tools: Podcast Movement—use promo code “noodle” to save on your registration—plus “guest cohosting” as a tool for hosting better interviews.
Also check out Jared's book, No products found..
Ryan Gray: Hazel
Podcast: Medical School HQ
Favorite podcasting tools: Hazel, No products found., and TextExpander.
Carole Sanek: iPhone and Awesome Voice Recorder
Podcast: The Crazy Marketing Ladies Show
Favorite podcasting tool: No products found. and AVR (Awesome Voice Recorder).
Nick Seuberling: Google+ Hangouts on Air
Podcast: Inside the Jungle
Favorite podcasting tool: Google+ Hangouts On Air
John Dennis: Auphonic
Podcast: Smart Time Online
Favorite podcasting tool: Auphonic
Also check out John's WordPress plugin ProCast Player.
Jennifer Briney: Screenflow
Podcast: Congressional Dish and the Congressional Dish App.
Favorite podcasting tool: Screenflow
Cecilie Korst: Blubrry Media Hosting
Podcast: The Trailer Talks
Favorite podcasting tool: Blubrry Media Hosting
Also check out Blubrry's new Subscribe on Android tool for podcasters!
Corey Fineran: Behringer MDX4600
Podcast: Ivy Envy
Favorite podcasting tool: No products found.
Daniel J. Lewis: Sennheiser ClipMic Digital
Podcast: The Audacity to Podcast, of course!
Favorite (new) podcasting tool: Sennheiser ClipMic Digital
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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.
Really enjoyed this episode and hearing other podcasters. Learned about some new tools too. Fun episode. Thanks.
Greta podcast and a great list of tools. Thanks!!