Here are the new live-streaming technologies I now recommend to podcasters who want to broadcast live.

Also, listen to my previous miniseries of episodes about live-streaming.

5 core requirements for live-streaming technologies

  1. Modern-friendly—Must not require Flash, must work on mobile devices
  2. Easy to use for visitors—Support easy logins, no confusion for playback (or auto-play option)
  3. Embeddable and responsive—A single piece of code to place on your own /live site and work with responsive web design
  4. Uninterrupted by ads—If there are ads, they must not interrupt the content (like Ustream has been known to do), getting a revenue share from ads would be a bonus
  5. Inexpensive or free—Under $10–$20 per month to reach your whole live audience

The most important thing for you is to always have a central platform where you send people. That's why I recommend having your own /live page. Then, it doesn't matter what technology you use because you're always pointing people to the same page. This will remove the need to monitor multiple chat rooms.

Live-streaming video: YouTube Live / Google Hangouts on Air

I used to use and recommend either Ustream or Livestream for live-streaming video. But Ustream started interrupting content with ads; Livestream started pushing sexually driven ads for alcohol to my rated-G channel, and they switched to separate embeds for each show.

Then, Google+ Hangouts on Air was introduced and eventually offered also as YouTube Live. These two technologies are related, but not entirely similar.

YouTube Live is a live-streaming service that can be a broadcast destination from desktop software such as Wirecast, Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder, and others. YouTube Live can also be streamed from Google's own Hangouts on Air, giving you camera-switching, lower thirds, screen-sharing, and more without an additional app.

Google+ Hangouts on Air (HOA) is really the readily accessible front face to YouTube Live. When you host an HOA, you are using YouTube Live as the backend technology.

YouTube Live and Hangouts on Air events can be scheduled in advance and will appear in your YouTube channel's list of live events.

The beauty of YouTube live is its flexibility and workflow. All you need for an embed on WordPress is the YouTube URL or standard YouTube embed code (available when you schedule your event, and when you go live with an HOA). This now works everywhere.

Using YouTube Live / HOA is also an easy way to create video content for your YouTube Channel. These talking-head videos will have higher reach and retention than “fake videos” (podcast audio over just an image), but lower reach and retention than produced videos (where you're actually showing things).

You can make a YouTube Live / HOA event public and findable, “unlisted” but viewable by those with the link (or on your page with the embed), or “private” to those with invitations only. Thus, you don't have to be public in order to live-stream to your YouTube channel or use Hangouts on Air.

The big drawback to YouTube Live / HOA is that each event has its own URL and, thus, it's own embed code. But that's where the free IX Show Latest YouTube plugin for WordPress comes in! This plugin (which I now actively maintain) offers a single WordPress shortcode to embed the latest video or multiple videos from one or more YouTube channels. It can display live events, upcoming events (called “pending”), or a message when there is no scheduled event.

I don't recommend pointing people to a HOA page on Google+ for your live events. If you set this up as a default Hangout on Air, it becomes less usable for your audience as they often can't watch and comment at the same time, and it (currently) doesn't work on mobile devices.

This is what I use on my Network live page and I love it!

Thus, YouTube Live is my new recommendation for amatuer and professional live video streaming.

Live-streaming audio: Mixlr or Spreaker

Maybe you want all the interaction and accountability of live-streaming, but you don't have the technology or bravery for video. That's when an audio-only live stream can be a great choice. It also makes a good option for those with lower bandwidth. (On my Network live page, I offer video and audio-only options for visitors.)

Here are the three audio-only live-streaming services to consider.

  1. Mixlr—This is my top recommendation for cost and quality. The free plan lets you broadcast for up to an hour at a time. Mixlr offers more pricing options for higher demands.
  2. SpreakerSpreaker's live player now seems a bit better designed than Mixlr's and offers more options and ways for listeners to consume. Spreaker's pricing options are significantly higher than Mixlr's. But with Spreaker's ability to create an RSS feed, you could potentially use Spreaker to record and publish your podcast episodes straight to your subscribers.
  3. Potential: new BlogTalkRadio—Seriously? Yes! BlogTalkRadio is taking big steps toward improving their platform, starting with audio quality. Broadcasters in the beta program can now stream at 128 kbps instead of the previous limitation to phone-call quality. You can embed a player on your own site and accept live calls. However, BlogTalkRadio is currently too expensive (starting at $39 per month!) to receive my full recommendation.

Live chat rooms: Chatroll, Chatwing, Chatango, or Flyzoo

The best part of going live is engaging with your audience and allowing them to have conversations with each other. An embedded chat room provides a great place to build this community.

I believe a chat room should support a variety of login methods, allowing people to chat without an account or use a social login (such as Twitter, Facebook, or Google).

Here are my four recommendations for embeddable chat rooms.

  1. Chatroll—Clean, simple, and offers the core features. This is primarily a premium service (the free plan is limited to 10 users).
  2. Chatwing—This is packed with features and customization. It's free for unlimited users, and you can add extra features or disable their branding for $1 per month per feature per chat room upgrade to unlock all premium features for $11.20 per month per chat room (switched in early 2015).
  3. Chatango—This has long been a live-streamer's favorite. The latest version doesn't require Flash and provides nice display options (chat panel, a ticker, pop-up chat, etc.). It's completely free, but doesn't support third-party logins.
  4. Flyzoo—This new provider in the space has beautiful designs and a growing feature list. This currently starts at $3.90 per month per website.

Other options abound

There are plenty of other options for styles of live-streaming. But these are my new recommendations for technologies you can use on your own platform without having to send your audience to someone else's site or make them sign up for more accounts.

Please comment to share any other services you think are worth considering.


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This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship and may receive compensation from your actions through such links. However, I don't let that corrupt my perspective and I don't recommend only affiliates.

About the Author
As an award-winning podcaster, Daniel J. Lewis gives you the guts and teaches you the tools to launch and improve your own podcasts for sharing your passions and finding success. Daniel creates resources for podcasters, such as the SEO for Podcasters and Zoom H6 for Podcasters courses, the Social Subscribe & Follow Icons plugin for WordPress, the My Podcast Reviews global-review aggregator, and the Podcasters' Society membership for podcasters. As a recognized authority and influencer in the podcasting industry, Daniel speaks on podcasting and hosts his own podcast about how to podcast. Daniel's other podcasts, a clean-comedy podcast, and the #1 unofficial podcast for ABC's hit drama Once Upon a Time, have also been nominated for multiple awards. Daniel and his son live near Cincinnati.
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Paul Andrew Kennedy
Paul Andrew Kennedy
10 years ago

Any news on btr, dates fees, or explanation of new tech?

Garvin from FTW
Garvin from FTW
10 years ago

You might want to check out for chat room. You don’t need a login but can log in through Twitter. Auto-updates, is responsive, and is pretty.

9 years ago

Daniel, Which service have you been using? WHile all the choices seem good I wanted to know which was the top pick . I was debating paying for Flyzoo but I figured I’d ask first. Thanks

Brock Seguin
9 years ago

I have a podcast, but all three of us record on a different laptop (since we live in three different cities) is there a way to do a live show with all three of us in different spots? We usually use Skype to record, but can we all be on the same live stream whether it is YouTube or whatever. I originally downloaded Mixlr, but don’t think it has the capabilities I would need.

Brock Seguin
9 years ago

Thanks so much for your quick response. I’m on Spreaker and have got to this screen (attached) but how do I get my two co-hosts to join the live broadcast?

andrew peacher
andrew peacher
8 years ago

Hi we are a non profit and we want to use airtime with a audio telephone or video source for eg skype or a online conference call facility we are not very technical and blogtalk radio has it all but not very good can you advise me futher please. We want to stream a 24/7 radio station with some live callers.


andrew peacher
andrew peacher
8 years ago

Hi we are a non profit and we want to BROADCAST using your service and with a audio telephone or video source for eg skype or a online conference call facility we are not very technical and blogtalk radio has it all but not very good can you advise me further please. We want to stream a 24/7 radio station with some live callers.


Terry Moore
Terry Moore
8 years ago

Hello are either of these compatible with two live video streams. With have a drone video going them an on the ground video.

Terry Moore
Terry Moore
8 years ago

I’m starting a podcast about demolition derbies but promoters of derbies want me to do live feeds from their Events so can I live stream a fixed camera and another mobile camera simultaneously?

the infinity call
the infinity call
8 years ago

HI Daniel, thank you for the great info. Its 2016 and yours is still the first link that come sup! I offer a live AUDIO meditation broadcast for women five days week. i was using Periscope but they cgnaged their privacy rules, now on FB lives which is fine but just so ugly to look at. Do you know of a live audio streaming method that allows me to make my live broadcasts private and only for my subscribers? I really, I would be able to use my actual website to host and then the women would juts go to my site at 7am and listen in. Thank you and I apologize if this isn’t making a ton of sense. 🙁 Kelly

Cameleon Live
Cameleon Live
7 years ago

“Create amazing live videos in the blink of an eye. Broadcast live to YouTube, Facebook, & more from Mac, PC, Mobile.”

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